Looking back while Looking ahead

2007 has been quite a journey for me in all facets of my life - love, friendship, career, family.
I think the key change I have seen in myself is focus and willingness to be patient and relax.
Relaxation complements focus so well. It makes you feel you are on top of things even if there is a cloud of uncertainty.
I have always maintained a love-hate relationship with Love. I was fortunate to have a companion with so much energy and freshness. We traveled a lot together and in a true sense made the year a journey to remember. After a long time, I feel I am in a comfort zone where I can express my feelings with a pace and tone thats best suited to who I am and what I believe in.
It also happened to be the year when I had to let go of someone I dearly valued. It was a tough decision but I had no regrets and will always treasure the memories that will linger with me.
I have always had a differing view of my career and what I can bring to my job and what the job can bring to me. I feel there is a sense of peace, consistency and achievement and most importantly the desire to progress, in the right direction.
The 'Shake & Bake' crew have been a delight. I made new friends and to top it all great friends.
The excitement and exuberance have been simply inspiring! And that is a true reflection of how it has narrowed the gap is between who I am and who I would like to be.
Home Life - I have learned to respect and value the time one gets to spend with a family.
There have been moments I have felt I need to get away but I have gradually learned that you do not need to be away to reach out for something or someone. I need the blessings as always.
I am looking at 2008 as a year where I would like to invest my time and finances wisely.
I am starting the year with an investment into my fitness. Its very reminiscent of what I did 6 years back when I went to on lose 27Kgs in 6 months. The numbers might have changed now but I am banking on the sheer devotion and determination I showed then. I feel it will provide me the discipline I will need to inculcate as I pursue bigger things in life. I will keep a journal of my fitness sessions here to reflect and receive all the inputs and knowledge I can get from all around.
Here is wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year!