Tuesday, December 27, 2005


this day is guilty of stealing last night's promise
you are guilty of staying in my heart
flowing down abruptly like tears
I am guilty of wiping those tears off
every night with that promise
this verse is guilty of trying to
capture a moment
the moment is guilty of lasting forever
this world is guilty of hosting such foolish hearts

the heart is not guilty.

not guilty yet....

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Lying on the beach with random thoughts
the booze had taken over me again, my thoughts
my desires had taken a back seat
the pompous crowd, music turned into background noise
I kept checking my belongings
even though I was in no state to check on myself
and then came the rain
drizzling down like holy waters
breathing life into me
my blood started flowing with a purpose
my heart gathered momentum
and I was back on my feet
a puff of smoke from a passer by
my savior,the rain thundering down
soaking me, mocking me
only me as people evacuated for shelter

I wandered in all possible directions
bumped into many strangers and not so strangers

and there he was
standing with a girl

waiting for me

It felt so real.
It felt all planned.

like fever.

Friday, December 02, 2005


the cold showers piercing my skin
guarding the flow of my blood
my heart pumping like an old machine
rusty and turbulent
the night so hazy so foggy like my mind

the streets across call for me
to join the fun; to drink;and speak so seemingly harmlessly
and I stand waiting like an assassin
my eyes cold and red
my hands moving in my pockets
searching for wood maybe
and the passing breeze decides to play with my locks
that unfold and cover my
dry vast forehead
and I stand waiting like a prey
for the final act to succumb and surrender
to the buoyancy of lust
and she comes running down
from no where with a nervous smile
whispers into my ear
a thought and we kiss so effortlessly so shamelessly
lasting a minute feeling a lifetime
the juice was worth the squeeze
the wait was worth the time

and I leave back home
to rest and sleep

but that night
I decided to
that one night,